Struggling To Run Your Personal Chef Business?

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Helping Personal Chefs Thrive With Our Coaching and All-In-One Software is what we do best.

Start Your Free Trial Today
No Credit Card Required

Group 29860 2
Group 29850
Group 29851
Group 29852

How Much Is Mismanaging Your Clients and Events Costing You?

Most personal chefs struggle with the “business” side of their business. When you just ‘wing it’ in your business…

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Vector 1 1 You use outdated practices

Vector 1 1 You make more mistakes

Vector 1 1 You waste time

Vector 1 1 You get easily frustrated

Vector 1 1 Clients lose confidence

Vector 1 1 YOU lose money

All resulting in lost opportunities, lost time and lost income.

Doing business should be easy, consistent and automated. Most chefs don’t know how to create the systems and processes their business needs to thrive. Instead, they have a book, show up, and cook approach. Use SOUS to create a better experience for you and your clients and you’ll finally build the successful business you’ve been dreaming of.

Group 29740

World Class Chefpreneurs
Are Using SOUS

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Testimonials from clients
Client Testimonial for Chef Jared
Client Testimonial for Chef Milly
Client Testimonial for Chef Greg

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

So, Why SOUS?

Let’s face it — A personal chef without good client management is like a chef without a chef’s knife.

That’s where “SOUS” comes in.

SOUS is like the chef’s knife of your business. It’s sharp and makes the hardest of tasks in your business easy, like turning a lead into a paying client!

Sous Dashboard

SOUS Is The Secret Sauce To Your Business Success

It’s the difference between the 19,999 personal chefs that struggle to make money, and the .01% that do!

Group 29832
Group 29831

Then Sign Up For the SOUS Free Trial Today!

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

Sous Event Tracker

SOUS Is Like Having A “Sous Chef” For Your Business!

We’re the only and first ever platform designed specifically for Personal Chefs that uses the Chefpreneur Method to book more clients!

Want to know how as a Chefpreneur we’re able to handle up to 40+ events every month… chances are — if you know a Chefpreneur — they’re using SOUS and the Chefpreneur Method!

And guess what? You can become a Chefpreneur too!

But that's not all Sous does

SOUS Will Give You Everything You Need To Book, Track, And Deliver Your Services.

All In One Convenient Spot!

SOUS is...

Your Event Coordinator

Listen, client referrals are HUGE to a personal chef. The best way to make that happen is being sure that everything is well-coordinated and goes as smoothly as possible.

With SOUS Event Tracker, you can...

Vector 2 1 Track the details and status of every event

Vector 2 1 Manage and prioritize dozens of events with ease

Vector 2 1 Share and assign chefs or servers and grow your team

SOUS Replaces:

HoneyBook, Curate, Modernmeal, and Cheftek
Event Coordinator

SOUS is...

Your Payment Processor

If you’re a personal chef providing world-class dining experiences, your clients want a smooth and easy invoice process.

With SOUS Payments, you can...

Vector 2 1 Store the details and prices of your products or services

Vector 2 1 Create, send and store customized invoices in seconds

Vector 2 1 Save time and money with billing and invoice automations

SOUS Replaces:

Stripe, Venmo, and Paypal
Sous Payments

SOUS is...

Your CRM

Getting visitors to your website is great. But turning them into clients is critical if you want real business growth.

With SOUS CRM, you can...

Vector 2 1 Strengthen client relationships and track your inquiries and events in real-time

Vector 2 1 Store notes of each contact and track a history of interactions and transactions

Vector 2 1 Collect valuable information on your contacts, and use it to design tailored experiences.

SOUS Replaces:

Keap, HoneyBook, and

SOUS is...

Your Booking Process

A simple and consistent booking process is massive when it comes to growing your client list to the moon.

With SOUS , you can...

Vector 2 1 Capture inquiry details directly from your website

Vector 2 1 Schedule consultation calls to increase booking success

Vector 2 1 Send menus directly to clients for easy approval

SOUS Replaces:

Group 29778
SOUS Consultation

SOUS Will Give You Everything You Need To Succeed

Plus A Built-In Booking Process


Collect Inquiries

Capture leads directly from your website with a custom form

Group 29797 (1)


Manage your clients or leads and turn them into superfans

Union (1)

Email Delivery

Send Menus for approval and invoices for payment

Union (2)


Book calls with automated reminders

Union (3)

Event Tracker

Manage the details and track the status of every event

Union (4)


Create and send custom branded invoices

Union (5)


Accept, track and collect payments 3x faster online

Group 29798

Connect Apps

Seamlessly integrate your email and calendar

What We’re Working On...

Menu Designer


Customize and send menus with Canva inside SOUS


Advanced Banking


Card on file, automated billing, tip line & bookkeeping


Email Marketing


Fully customizable email campaigns and automations


Connected Apps


Integrations with even more apps like Yelp and Quickbooks


The Official Software of The Chefpreneur Movement

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We help personal chefs win because we’ve been in the trenches ourselves. In fact we’ve grown our own personal chef business, as well as our chefpreneurs businesses, to multiple 6-figures in yearly revenue. Everything we teach is being put into SOUS.

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

It’s Time To Create A Better Experience For Your Clients

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Group 29791


Group 29794


Try for free. cancel anytime.

Our pricing is simple and transparent.




All the basics for starting a Personal Chef Business


Group 29872

Quickly and easily customize your invoice policies to fit your business needs. Our template includes pre-built settings for setting payment terms, late fees, and more.

With our embeddable Inquiry Form, your website can collect contact details automatically into SOUS. This makes it easier and faster for you to respond to and track all of your contacts and events.

Easily store, track and manage every event detail so you can stay organized and always know who to contact and where they are in the booking process.

Easily integrate your existing business email and calendar with SOUS, so you can see all your appointments, tasks and events in one place.

Send menus and invoices quickly and easily without worrying about typing them out every time with our automated email delivery system.

Additional Tiers Coming Soon

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

Try for free. cancel anytime.

how should you charge for your personal chef services?

The first thing you must do in order to become a personal chef!

Episode 18 – 3 Mistakes
I Made when Starting my Personal Chef Business that you can Avoid!

Ready to get started?

Build a successful personal chef business with SOUS

Frequently Asked Questions

SOUS is still undergoing developments and improvements. Although it’s in beta, we have tested and ensured its functionality and ability to provide what your business needs today. Because it’s in beta, we want to give an opportunity to those that believe in us, the Chefpreneur team, and our vision to revolutionize the culinary industry, to join us and get started with beta pricing.

Yes! We know chefs care about ease, so we’ve built SOUS to be as user-friendly as possible. Follow our in-app Helpful Onboarding to embed your custom inquiry form on your website, create your first event, invoice a client, and more.
What if I already use another CRM?
That’s great! Import your clients in minutes and instantly bring everything together in one place.

No! We created SOUS so you wouldn’t have to have a whole I.T. department to run your business! Just login, start clicking, and you can build your business!

YES! SOUS is built on Microsoft’s Azure platform and uses their world-class data protection, cybersecurity, storage, networking, and backup recovery services. Azure also covers more than 100 compliance certifications with third-party audit reports.

SOUS use and transfer of information to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

You do! Any clients or event information is 100% owned by you. SOUS & Chefpreneur doesn’t have permission to use that information or contact your clients for any reason. SOUS is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR services!

Yes! REAL-LIVE support. Unlike other software companies that strictly use robots to save a few extra dollars, we still believe in the power of personal touch and human relationship that comes with world-class service. 

NO! You have unlimited usage of all current features within SOUS. We don’t even require your credit card for the free trial!

There are NO long term contracts or commitments. You can use SOUS month to month, and cancel at any time you’d like!

If you decide to continue using SOUS, as a thanks for being a beta member, you will be able to continue your access for only $39/mo – That’s 64% OFF!

Simply login to your account, click on your profile and select My Subscription, then click “cancel subscription”. No need to call, email, or talk to anyone!

As with most “software-as-a-service” platforms, when you cancel your account, your data will become inaccessible, but don’t worry, before canceling you have the opportunity to request a downloaded CSV files of your clients.

Resources Library


ChefU has all the resources a person needs for their personal chef business.

Write-off “cheat sheet”

Maximize your tax savings with ease. Discover all the write-offs you’re entitled to and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Logo & Brand Guide

Establish a strong, cohesive brand. Use this guide to create a professional identity that stands out and attracts clients.

Pricing Calculator

Simplify your pricing strategy. Set competitive prices that boost your profits without the hassle of food costing.

Services Profit Chart

Ensure every service is profitable. Use this chart to understand your margins and make informed business decisions.

Chef Pay Chart

Pay your team fairly while ensuring great income for yourself. Set competitive rates for contracted help while balancing satisfaction and business profitability.

Email Marketing Templates

Engage your clients effortlessly. Use these professionally crafted templates to send compelling emails that drive business.

Social Media Schedule

Stay consistent and effective on social media. Plan your posts with this schedule and build a loyal online following.

Menu Templates

Create beautiful, professional menus. Impress your clients with customizable templates that showcase your culinary offerings.

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

 To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.

Course Library


ChefU has dozens of courses proven to increase profit and lower stress.

Legal Foundations

Set your business up for success with solid legal foundations. Protect your dream and operate with confidence.

Brand Messaging

Craft powerful brand messages that resonate. Connect deeply with your audience and define your unique voice.

Pricing Strategies

Maximize your profits with smart pricing strategies. Learn to set prices that reflect your value and attract clients.

Website Design

Create a stunning website that showcases your talent. Turn visitors into loyal clients with a captivating online presence.

Cashflow Banking

Take control of your finances with effective cashflow management. Ensure your business remains profitable and sustainable.

Social Media Marketing

Harness the power of social media to grow your business. Engage your audience and build a strong online community.

Strategic Partnerships

Form strategic partnerships that drive leads, expand your reach and immediately elevate brands trust and authority in the market.

Email Marketing

Reach your clients directly with effective email marketing. Build relationships and drive repeat business with compelling campaigns.

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

 To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.