Work Less. Profit More. Chef Better.

Get the tools and resources you need to build a
successful Personal chef business.

Chefpreneur™ University is not your typical "school"

we're a groundbreaking, non-traditional, community-driven program designed for the bold
and ambitious Chefpreneur™ to unlock their success in building a personal chef business.



Non traditional


Community Driven

Community Driven

Chef Better Together

From client acquisition, pricing, and hiring to event management and personal struggles,
you’ll share your biggest challenges and get insights on how to overcome them.

Expert Instructors

Each class is led by an instructor with deep industry experience who serves as another source of expertise and guidance.

Real Feedback

Get honest feedback, expert advice, proven processes, and best practices about your biggest challenges from successful personal chefs.

Mentor Review

Yearly members have a chance to have their entire business mentor-reviewed and receive honest advice on how to improve it.

Deep Connections

Form lifelong friendships with other personal chef business owners who will hold you accountable and provide ongoing support.

Your First Year

Whether you already own a business or you’re just starting out, Chefpreneur University
offers you the tools and resources you need to transform your business and boost success
so you can lead a more balanced and satisfying life while achieving your goals.

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Enroll & receive your
Welcome Box (mailed)

Unlock Chefpreneur
University and access your
online courses and resources

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Join & introduce yourself in our
private member community

Begin attending weekly
instructor-led virtual classes
(Three 12-week trimesters)

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Assessments and supported real-
world execution (30 days between
each trimester)

Finals—Private business audit
and certification

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Graduate Ceremony and
Certification Kit (mailed)

Attend a 2-Day Chefpreneur
Conference (in-person)

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Your Courses

Your training is 1x per week for an entire year over three 12-week trimesters with access to the online training platform on-the-go from any computer, smartphone, or tablet 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Learn at your own pace at home, in the kitchen, or on the job.

We cover many topics organized into 3 trimesters – Business Strategy & Development, Sales & Marketing Fundamentals, Operations & Hospitality Management..



Equip your business for a successful launch or re-launch and growth in the first 12 weeks.



World-class brand

Craft and refine a compelling identity that resonates with your dream clients and fuels long-term success.

World-class brand


Fulfilling & Growing

Provide your business the tools to streamline operations, scale efficiently, and achieve sustainable growth.

Fulfilling & Growing


Sales & Marketing

Strategies that amplify your presence, drive conversions, and allow you to grow profitably.

Sales & Marketing



Equip your business for a successful launch or re-launch and growth in the first 12 weeks.



World-class brand

Craft and refine a compelling identity that resonates with your dream clients and fuels long-term success.

World-class brand


Fulfilling & Growing

Provide your business the tools to streamline operations, scale efficiently, and achieve sustainable growth.

Fulfilling & Growing


Sales & Marketing

Strategies that amplify your presence, drive conversions, and allow you to grow profitably.

Sales & Marketing
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Your Resource Library

Get access to and implement up to 45 forms, spreadsheets, calculators, and templates into your personal chef business. Don’t reinvent the wheel and try to build everything from scratch. Download the exact tools you need anytime.

Your Instructors

Our instructors are some of the most respected authorities in the personal chef industry. They have owned a 6-figure personal chef business and have generated millions of dollars in personal chef services and have experienced the same challenges you face today. They have created and joined The Chefpreneur University to passionately share their experience, insight, and expertise for the success of your business.


Chef Andres

Chef Andres


Elizabeth Cummings

Elizabeth  Cummings


Jared Campbell

Jared Campbell


Justin Cullimore

Justin Cullimore


Brock Wagner

Brock Wagner

Checkout our easy tuition pricing

Sign up now for a full membership with our Pre-paid tuition option and lock
in today’s rate plus get a $600 scholarship and MEMBERewards!


$2988 /year

Best Value - rate-lock + $600 scholarship and MEMBERewards!

What’s included:

Pre-paid members also get:


$299 /month

$3588 Total Tuition

What’s included:

What Chefs say about Chefpreneur

Have questions? Schedule a call with an enrollment advisor.

Frequently Asked Questions

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because ClickFunnels is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because ClickFunnels is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because ClickFunnels is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because ClickFunnels is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because ClickFunnels is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because ClickFunnels is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

Course Library


ChefU has dozens of courses proven to increase profit and lower stress.

Legal Foundations

Set your business up for success with solid legal foundations. Protect your dream and operate with confidence.

Brand Messaging

Craft powerful brand messages that resonate. Connect deeply with your audience and define your unique voice.

Pricing Strategies

Maximize your profits with smart pricing strategies. Learn to set prices that reflect your value and attract clients.

Website Design

Create a stunning website that showcases your talent. Turn visitors into loyal clients with a captivating online presence.

Cashflow Banking

Take control of your finances with effective cashflow management. Ensure your business remains profitable and sustainable.

Social Media Marketing

Harness the power of social media to grow your business. Engage your audience and build a strong online community.

Strategic Partnerships

Form strategic partnerships that drive leads, expand your reach and immediately elevate brands trust and authority in the market.

Email Marketing

Reach your clients directly with effective email marketing. Build relationships and drive repeat business with compelling campaigns.

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

 To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.

Resources Library


ChefU has all the resources a person needs for their personal chef business.

Write-off “cheat sheet”

Maximize your tax savings with ease. Discover all the write-offs you’re entitled to and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Logo & Brand Guide

Establish a strong, cohesive brand. Use this guide to create a professional identity that stands out and attracts clients.

Pricing Calculator

Simplify your pricing strategy. Set competitive prices that boost your profits without the hassle of food costing.

Services Profit Chart

Ensure every service is profitable. Use this chart to understand your margins and make informed business decisions.

Chef Pay Chart

Pay your team fairly while ensuring great income for yourself. Set competitive rates for contracted help while balancing satisfaction and business profitability.

Email Marketing Templates

Engage your clients effortlessly. Use these professionally crafted templates to send compelling emails that drive business.

Social Media Schedule

Stay consistent and effective on social media. Plan your posts with this schedule and build a loyal online following.

Menu Templates

Create beautiful, professional menus. Impress your clients with customizable templates that showcase your culinary offerings.

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

 To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.

Course Library

Chefpreneur University has helped hundreds of Chefs increase profit and lower stress

Setting Up Your business
The Powerstart 5
Setting Up Your business
The Powerstart 5

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

If you prefer, you can sign up for a $7 Experience instead here. However, your access to the University will be limited. To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.

Resource Library

Chefpreneur University has helped hundreds of Chefs increase profit and lower stress

Setting Up Your business
The Powerstart 5
Setting Up Your business
The Powerstart 5

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

If you prefer, you can sign up for a $7 Experience instead here. However, your access to the University will be limited. To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.