Our Story

We exist to redefine what it means to Chef Better. by giving people the freedom to work less and earn more, without depending on the broken culinary industry.

Why care about culture?

Every company has a culture, whether leaders consciously mold it or not. It is the soul of an organization. A company’s culture should help those within, and even those on the outside, understand its purpose and why the company exists.


To redefine the culinary industry!

We know chefs and cooks are passionate about what they do but are dependent on a broken Culinary Industry. So we are redefining the industry by giving them the freedom to work for themselves.

Who we serve

Chefpreneur serves people looking for a way to Chef Better.

We specialize in working with people that are passionate about cooking and serving to make an impact in other’s lives. We’re all about innovation and community, and work closely with our members to give them the Chefpreneur Methods for a successful personal chef business. Whether you’re just starting out, need a brand refresh, or are looking to go to the next level, we’ve got you covered.


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Founder & CEO

Chef Andres

Chef Andres is a highly sought after, seasoned entrepreneur and mentor based in Atlanta, GA. He has coached 100’s of people, helped clients create 6-figure businesses, and is dedicated to empowering passionate cooks to become entrepreneurs and business owners. He is the founder of Dinner with a Chef, the award winning Chefpreneur Podcast, The Chefpreneur Movement and founding partner of Chefpreneur, SOUS and Chefpreneur University. His mission is to create a supportive network where chefs can connect, grow, and transform their passion into prosperous, fulfilling careers.

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Founder & COO

Brock Wagner

Brock is a dynamic and transformative entrepreneur, creative leader, and brand strategist based in Atlanta, GA. He has helped to develop and launch dozens of personal chef brands and is best known for his ability to turn visionary ideas into reality. He is the founder and founding partner of Chefpreneur, SOUS and Chefpreneur University. His dedication to transforming concepts into actionable plans and empowering the Chefpreneur community to make a tangible difference that’s fueling the vibrant network of culinary entrepreneurs.

Our Motto

“Knowledge and Compassion through Words and Action.”

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Our Commitment

Chefpreneur is a faith-based organization that places paramount importance on impacting your life and the lives of those we serve. We believe every interaction has the potential to change someone’s life and in recognition of this belief we have established the Chefpreneur Commitment to you.

Every member of the Chefpreneur organization bears the ultimate responsibility to follow through with the commitments expressed below.

1. We Promise to Walk with Integrity of Heart

We commit ourselves to doing what is right, not what is easy or convenient, in all circumstances. We promise to have courage to admit to you when we’re wrong as individuals and a company as a whole. We promise to always do what is right, even when no one is watching. We promise to deliver truth to you with humility, gentleness and patience, even if it may be upsetting.

For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.
-Corinthians 8:21

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2. We Promise to Keep a Positive Mindset & Attitude

We commit ourselves to demonstrating a positive and thankful mindset and attitude both within our organization and with you. We promise to treat you with compassion and respect. We promise to listen to you with the intent to understand and not just respond. We promise to serve you with your best interest in our minds and hearts.
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
-Ephesians 4:29

3. We Promise to Empower and Be Empowered

We commit ourselves to empowering you and your business by providing access to the most current and up-to-date information and knowledge about our products and solutions. We promise to help you be as self-sufficient as possible to prevent interruption of your business. We promise to empower the Chefpreneur team by giving them the tools and information to make decisions and back them up on it. We promise to provide a framework for receiving feedback, both internally and externally, to ensure a consistent and exceptional experience that requires fewer decisions and saves time for everyone involved.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
-Galatians 6:9

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What Chefs say about Chefpreneur

Get FREE Tools and Resources!

Join the chefpreneur
business assets club today!

Our exclusive business assets club gives you access to some of the best free resources and tools specifically for personal chefs.

Resources Library


ChefU has all the resources a person needs for their personal chef business.

Write-off “cheat sheet”

Maximize your tax savings with ease. Discover all the write-offs you’re entitled to and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Logo & Brand Guide

Establish a strong, cohesive brand. Use this guide to create a professional identity that stands out and attracts clients.

Pricing Calculator

Simplify your pricing strategy. Set competitive prices that boost your profits without the hassle of food costing.

Services Profit Chart

Ensure every service is profitable. Use this chart to understand your margins and make informed business decisions.

Chef Pay Chart

Pay your team fairly while ensuring great income for yourself. Set competitive rates for contracted help while balancing satisfaction and business profitability.

Email Marketing Templates

Engage your clients effortlessly. Use these professionally crafted templates to send compelling emails that drive business.

Social Media Schedule

Stay consistent and effective on social media. Plan your posts with this schedule and build a loyal online following.

Menu Templates

Create beautiful, professional menus. Impress your clients with customizable templates that showcase your culinary offerings.

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

 To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.

Course Library


ChefU has dozens of courses proven to increase profit and lower stress.

Legal Foundations

Set your business up for success with solid legal foundations. Protect your dream and operate with confidence.

Brand Messaging

Craft powerful brand messages that resonate. Connect deeply with your audience and define your unique voice.

Pricing Strategies

Maximize your profits with smart pricing strategies. Learn to set prices that reflect your value and attract clients.

Website Design

Create a stunning website that showcases your talent. Turn visitors into loyal clients with a captivating online presence.

Cashflow Banking

Take control of your finances with effective cashflow management. Ensure your business remains profitable and sustainable.

Social Media Marketing

Harness the power of social media to grow your business. Engage your audience and build a strong online community.

Strategic Partnerships

Form strategic partnerships that drive leads, expand your reach and immediately elevate brands trust and authority in the market.

Email Marketing

Reach your clients directly with effective email marketing. Build relationships and drive repeat business with compelling campaigns.

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

 To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.