Meet Chef Andres


End the burnout and find your success as a self-employed personal chef. It all starts with our 5-Day Challenge.

Chef Andres Hinojosa


Founder & CEO

Chef Andres was raised with a passion for food, instilled by his grandma, “Ya-Ya,” who showed Andres so much love through the food she cooked. Warm pots of soup and fresh baked bread always inspire nostalgic memories for Andres. But entering the industry after graduating culinary school, Andres found that the fine dining scene was far from the warm memories that Ya-Ya cultivated. Food wasn’t love, it was just thankless hard work. Working in kitchens of high-end hotels like The Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, and Grand Del Mar Hotels in Chicago, San Francisco, and San Diego, Chef Andres was paying his dues like so many in the industry do—working long hours, getting yelled at by stressed-out bosses, and being constantly underappreciated and exposed to the toxic culture that underlies the restaurant industry. But he didn’t want to be just another stressed-out head chef making life miserable for young cooks working their way through the ranks. Instead, he branched out on his own to start his own business as a personal chef. 


Now Chef Andres is able to share the love his grandmother shared with him through the foods he loves. His business now handles 30-40 cook events per month, and he doesn’t even have to do any more of the cooking! He’s able to pay his team well and give them the lives they deserve while enjoying more flexibility to share his passion and knowledge with fellow chefs by launching Chefpreneur. After creating a business and a lifestyle that he once thought was impossible, Chef Andres feels as though he’s been called upon by God to share this knowledge with all the cooks and chefs out there who need it. Outside of work, Andres savors the freedom he now has to spend plenty of time with his wife and five daughters at their home near Atlanta, GA. 

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Chef Andres' Story

What I Believe

I believe the culinary industry is broken, but it doesn’t have to be. Chefs and cooks are fed a pipe dream while being mistreated by their bosses—they think they’ll climb the ladder to success, but what's actually at the top of the ladder is complete burnout.

I believe cooks and chefs are overworked and underpaid.

I believe that there is a huge shift taking place in the restaurant industry, and working as a personal chef is the future of success for most cooks and chefs. Consumers are becoming more aware of where their food comes from, and want a new kind of dining experience as a result.

I believe there is more than enough business out there for all ambitious personal chefs to reach the success they desire.

What I Believe

I believe the culinary industry is broken, but it doesn’t have to be. Chefs and cooks are fed a pipe dream while being mistreated by their bosses—they think they’ll climb the ladder to success, but what's actually at the top of the ladder is complete burnout.

I believe cooks and chefs are overworked and underpaid.

I believe that there is a huge shift taking place in the restaurant industry, and working as a personal chef is the future of success for most cooks and chefs. Consumers are becoming more aware of where their food comes from, and want a new kind of dining experience as a result.

I believe there is more than enough business out there for all ambitious personal chefs to reach the success they desire.

You Can Make a Career as a Personal Chef, even if You Don’t Have a Background in Fine Dining

Becoming a personal chef isn’t like rising the ranks to Executive Chef in a traditional restaurant kitchen. You don’t need to pay your dues, and you don’t need to have graduated from culinary school. With a solid foundation of skills, the ambition to build your own business, and a true passion for food, you can build a business that will provide more income, freedom, and time in your life than you ever thought possible. Plus, as a personal chef, you won’t have the startup costs of a traditional restaurant or food truck. You’ll see profit margins of about 90% of your revenue, compared to 3-15% with a restaurant or food truck.

Our programs

Find Your Freedom with Chefpreneur


Our programs

Find your Freedom with Chefpreneur


End the burnout and find your success as a self-employed personal chef. It all starts with our 5-Day Challenge.

Resources Library


ChefU has all the resources a person needs for their personal chef business.

Write-off “cheat sheet”

Maximize your tax savings with ease. Discover all the write-offs you’re entitled to and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Logo & Brand Guide

Establish a strong, cohesive brand. Use this guide to create a professional identity that stands out and attracts clients.

Pricing Calculator

Simplify your pricing strategy. Set competitive prices that boost your profits without the hassle of food costing.

Services Profit Chart

Ensure every service is profitable. Use this chart to understand your margins and make informed business decisions.

Chef Pay Chart

Pay your team fairly while ensuring great income for yourself. Set competitive rates for contracted help while balancing satisfaction and business profitability.

Email Marketing Templates

Engage your clients effortlessly. Use these professionally crafted templates to send compelling emails that drive business.

Social Media Schedule

Stay consistent and effective on social media. Plan your posts with this schedule and build a loyal online following.

Menu Templates

Create beautiful, professional menus. Impress your clients with customizable templates that showcase your culinary offerings.

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

 To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.

Course Library


ChefU has dozens of courses proven to increase profit and lower stress.

Legal Foundations

Set your business up for success with solid legal foundations. Protect your dream and operate with confidence.

Brand Messaging

Craft powerful brand messages that resonate. Connect deeply with your audience and define your unique voice.

Pricing Strategies

Maximize your profits with smart pricing strategies. Learn to set prices that reflect your value and attract clients.

Website Design

Create a stunning website that showcases your talent. Turn visitors into loyal clients with a captivating online presence.

Cashflow Banking

Take control of your finances with effective cashflow management. Ensure your business remains profitable and sustainable.

Social Media Marketing

Harness the power of social media to grow your business. Engage your audience and build a strong online community.

Strategic Partnerships

Form strategic partnerships that drive leads, expand your reach and immediately elevate brands trust and authority in the market.

Email Marketing

Reach your clients directly with effective email marketing. Build relationships and drive repeat business with compelling campaigns.

Members Only - Enroll Now to conitnue

 To unlock the full potential of the premiere online learning platform for personal chef business owners sign up for a membership.

If you are already a member, please click here to log in.